New Life Students Spring Retreat is a fun and engaging weekend designed for students to connect together, grow in their relationship with Jesus and each other. Our theme this year is “Going Up“. Deuteronomy 28:1 “If you indeed obey the Lord your God and are careful to observe all his commandments I am giving you today, the Lord your God will elevate you above all the nations of the earth.”
Join us on April 14th and 15th for a impactful weekend. The cost for the Spring Retreat is $50.00. Deadline is April 2, 2023. See Pastor Mykel to sign up. You have to sign up in order to attend the weekend festivities.

5pm Doors Open
6pm Session 1
7pm Movie in The Stars
Dinner, Popcorn, Snacks
10am Doors Open
11am Nascar SpeedPark
12pm Lunch
4pm Hang Out Time at NLC
5:30pm Session 2
6pm Dinner
7pm Session 3

Pastor Brenda Starnes

Pastor Jeff Blackburn